Sunday, February 1, 2009

To My R.T.C

Post- Monnii Monyee
Well this just crossed my mind
For a while i have been talking to a certain guy
He was ma best friend
We started to like each other more
Later down the line we had planned to eventually date
Im going to guess that God didn't want us to be together
Or it was just fate
Because i start to like new people
We were fighting to be together and it just wasn't working
We argue all the time and i feel like he's smothering me
End of story today we kinda had an arguement and Im guessing that we're not even friends
I feel kinda bad because he was ma best friend
But then again I feel like everything wasn't just my fault
anyway i guess the only reason im telling this because
I feel kind of bad that I've lost my best friend
The question is was he a really friend these past 12 months
Then again I don't regret what I've said
You can't regret something you once loved right???
Let me know what I should do

Creatability Exist