Sunday, April 12, 2009


Post ~Monyee
Background: O tayy Happy Easter to everyone! l0l I just got my poem I wrote for English class back. Yes that is the one thing I can do. I can write a poem. It took me about 2 hours, not too much time right? I have no clue what this piece is originally about so its kinda random. This piece was written just to complete the guidelines of using imagery and personification. Yea its kinda short too. Like to hear it here it go!

Essence of the mind
My thoughts grab me and remind me all tribulations can be overcome
Maybe time itself allows me to continue forward
Notifications of time reprise past emotions and regenerate lost hope
The air whistles soft remembrances of joyous times
Just for once allow time to rewind itself
Allow my thoughts to firmly grip my self conscious mind
and slowly create bravery and confidence
Yet let my eyes grab the blank lines covered with eraser marks
Provide my monstrous hunger for blank verses with enough energy
to devour these empty spaces left uneaten on my canvas
Make time my best friend with never ending anecdotes
Wherever you go your mind graciously follows in your footsteps
Eventually your adolescent mind will mature and stride long enough
to step out from your unforeseen shadow
Let my words hold your hands and initiate peace between body and mind
Just know that all of this is of the essence of the mind.

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