Thursday, June 26, 2008

I sit here super bored on his
Thursday afternoon
with like a million things that
keep scampering through my mind so
today i must discuss: Disguise- in a peom

People have this disguise that they
use to conceal themselve.
Disguise which means "to change appearance or
character to prevent reconition"
So lets reveal these situations, u might have one yourself

We hide ourselves from other people to hide ourselves
Our own person won't be able to testify
We hide ourselves from our own person.
You might not realize it, but we are all a target of a disguise.

1). The boy that is becoming a man that
shows his fellow peers as him being this nice
or laid back person.
That will have conversations with
you through texting or even myspace messages.
However in person he isn't the same .
Maybe using the profound and very intense language.
His disguise is this forceful person.
Not knowing all this does is make him carry extra baggage
The people around him all recognize this.
Maybe not we are all subjected to that "Disguise."

2). The athletic girl that reveals to the people that she is constantly
around, that she is angry and not happy
Maybe to reveal that she needs someone to be stronger for her.
Or she may even feel that someone needs to feel bad for her
She acts as if she's angry or tired of life situations.
This reveals that this maybe her disguise
She knows her life is better then most you may be able to see through actions
A loving and supportive family
That is standing right next to her when problems arise.
Her disguise has taking her over so don't feel hurt
Her disguise may dwindle because of her family so continue to decline

Maybe not we are all subjected to that "Disguise."
Can you recognize what your disguise is?

Revelation Of You

It is coming, you don't have to wait
Knowing yourself is not the question that you ask anymore
You know who you are
But don't know what you're there for
The very vague vision that you continue to see
Your imagination running wild
In spite of everything, you don't have a clue of what you want to be
It is there, you have to figure out what is truly meant for you
You are longing for it, even though you don't even know it
Look deep inside ,you do have the passion for what is coming to you
Can you hold on for as long as it takes?
You are willing to hold on despite everything
The willing to wait, tolerate the rejections and heartbreaks
Spirit that holds your power and determination
You were able to hold on
Without letting it all go, not one negative situation
Inkling, craving, patience, and heart
The discovery of who you are
Even through not being able to recognize
The true person your are
Written by : Me

Creatability Exist