Saturday, April 4, 2009


Post Monyee

Some how I find myself here
Battling with curiosity on how things tremendously took a turn
For the opposite cause
Because with all honesty I don't want to be anything
except exceptional
Consequential thoughts and actions make
All curiosity my enemy
And taking chances my sole confidant
Which way of this phase of this stage shall
I allow my own personal problems to make my day...worse
I have to catch myself before I hit that large epiphany
That I have to trust somebody
Because trusting yourself leads to loneliness and empty conversations
Shredding through my mounds of possibility of why everything I try to prevent
Gradually ties my shoe laces around my ankles and trips me up
Maybe its not enough that I keep burning myself
And its leads to unhealed wounds and yet again another fire that distracts me
Still trying to find my purpose here
And still nothing seems to cross my mind well...this does.
1. I'm an okay friend most days when you catch me
2. Downside I don't think I'll grow up and even remember
1/2 the people who meant the world to me
I seem to have my way of hoping for things that should happen
Certain circumstances take their chances
Which I am reluctant to do
Its evidently true that very few
Make matters worse and I lose my cool.
Grudges I hold
Take hold of me
And at the same time my consequential mind separates itself
From my later lively & emotional mind
Maybe that is what every one's life is like
and I just feel brand new to it
Sometimes I just hope I'm not crazy
And someone else realizes this seemly unnatural pain.
Escaping seems like an option but you can't run from yourself forever
Maybe I can call this insight "Distinctively Monyee",
Is not crazy but clever
Clever never really got me anywhere else but here
An inspiring journalist with not that much to share
No real heciticity in her life
That is if heciticity is a word...which I doubt it is
Certain situations, orientations, and conversations
Leave her mind and almanac of prolifically askew words to be disturbed
In all honesty I try to create a reality of paradise with new words
Then it crosses my mind that paradise is within your box of thoughts
And here is where I begin to digress...
This is just the ingenuity of a endless thought process

Walk in His confidence ( Post By Unbroken )

I stole this from a book...its like little messages from God to his princesses...I thought I would share my favorite one. I guess its because its what I'm going through. Sometimes God has a way of speaking to people when you least expect it.

To my princess,

I know the world whispers in your ear that what you possess defines who you are,and what you look like determines your worth. This is a lie. Generations to come will never remember you for the things you accumulate or the efforts you placed in your appearence. In fact, the harder you strive to collect more things and to perfect your image, the more insecure you will be about who you are and why you are here. I am in you and you are in me. I will give you all that you need. Now go and walk in confidence.

Love, God

Creatability Exist